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Les experts et partenaires mondiaux de Sterling mettent en évidence les problèmes et les sujets qui ont un impact sur le processus de recrutement, l'expérience des candidats, le contrôle des références et l'intégration des nouveaux employés.

Articles les plus récents
juin 20 | 2022
4 moyens d’atténuer les risques grâce à des vérifications des antécédents fiables
Vos employés sont la pierre angulaire de votre entreprise. Ils représentent votre marque chaq...
Lire la suiteAccès aux marchés internationaux : les principa...
Le coût de cette pénurie de talents devrait atteindre la somme conséquente de...
Lire la suiteIs it time to consider outsourcing your background...
When used strategically, outsourcing can represent a valuable tool for the HR function to deliver flexibility and cost savings. In partnership with the CIPD’s People Management publication, Sterling recently produced a helpful infographic to highlight how organisations of all sizes could benefit from outsourcing their pre-employment background ch...
Lire la suiteTop 6 Tech Industry Tips: Creating a Culture of On...
The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly changed how companies operate. Businesses had...
Lire la suiteTo Outsource or Not to Outsource, That is the Ques...
It’s not uncommon for outsourcing to be confused with offshoring, but the reality is, there are significant differences between them. But how do they vary, you might ask? Well, Outsourcing refers to the movement of an internal operation to an external organisation, whether this be within the same country or overseas. Whereas offshoring involves...
Lire la suiteHow a Background Check Can Support Your ‘Cir...
I recently returned from a family holiday, where I picked up a copy of Simon Sinek’s book ‘Leaders Eat Last‘ at the airport to read while I was away. As I laid on the sun lounger, I opened the book and read the title of the first chapter « Our Need to Feel Safe. » It immediately …
Lire la suiteOwnership of the recruitment process: How HR and h...
To help employers find the best person for the job, the recruitment process is often a group effort between HR, hiring managers and external agencies. Yet despite the benefits of involving a range of people in the process, there are challenges too. Here are some of the challenges that can arise with a collaborative approach …
Lire la suiteDoes your candidate have a fake qualification from...
Last year, the BBC revealed that thousands of people in the UK had bought fake degrees from a diploma mill in Pakistan. Meanwhile, in February this year, it was reported that Malaysia’s deputy foreign minister had been accused of falsely claiming he had a degree from the UK’s Cambridge University, when actually it was from …
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